Business Location & Economic Development
Canada - A Strategic Choice

On behalf of the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, MMK Consulting researched and authored a series
of brochures highlighting Canada's investment value propositions for each of six industry sectors.
Drawing on a wide variety of data sources, these brochures established key location drivers and competitive advantages for Canadian
and international clusters in the following industries: aerospace, biotechnology, business services, environmental technology,
machinery manufacturing, and wireless and multimedia.
General Motors Canada, Beacon Project Review
For General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL), MMK Consulting completed an independent review of GMCL’s proposed Cdn $2.5 billion
Beacon Project. This review was in the lead-up to the March 2005 public announcement of the Beacon Project.
The Beacon Project included investments by GMCL in vehicle programs, enhanced vehicle engineering activities, flexible vehicle
manufacturing, environmental technologies, employment skills and training, and the creation of a Canadian Automotive Innovation
Network in partnership with leading Canadian universities.
Non-Residential Construction Cost Drivers in Saskatchewan
On behalf of the Saskatchewan Construction Association and the Saskatchewan Ministry of the Economy, MMK Consulting assisted KPMG
in reviewing non-residential construction cost drivers. The review included primary interviews with industry representatives in five
US/Canadian jurisdictions – Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, North Dakota, and Colorado – as well as a review of secondary
sources regarding actual construction cost trends in Saskatchewan. The report assessed overall trends, underlying cost drivers,
and potential government and industry initiatives to manage construction cost inflation in a tight environment.
Cost Competitiveness of the BC Film Industry
On behalf of the Vancouver Economic Development Commission, MMK Consulting completed an independent analysis of the cost
competitiveness of the British Columbia film industry.
The study provides a detailed analysis of production costs for a major A-list movie in Vancouver, as compared to Toronto,
Los Angeles, and New Orleans.
Vancouver Industry Sector Targeting Study
On behalf of the Vancouver Economic Development Commission (VEDC), MMK Consulting completed an assessment of industry sector
targeting opportunities for Vancouver.
The study assessed both Vancouver's competitiveness and strategic fit across all individual industries and identified high,
medium and low potential sectors for development in Vancouver. This study was commissioned by VEDC as a preliminary step toward
development of a citywide economic development strategy.
Benefits of RMB Settlement Centre
On behalf of Advantage BC, MMK Consulting assessed the potential benefits of establishing an RMB Settlement Centre in Canada.
Through personal interviews and statistical research, this study examined the potential of a local settlement centre to make
CAD-RMB currency exchange transactions more efficient and to stimulate Canada-China trade and investment.
Read the press release
R&D Tax Incentives for Research Companies in Sarnia-Lambton
On behalf of the Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership, MMK Consulting prepared a detailed analysis of business costs and R&D
tax incentives in Sarnia-Lambton and competing Canadian and US jurisdictions.
This study contained a thorough discussion and comparison of the R&D tax credit systems in Canada (SR&ED) and the
United States (R&E), and included development of key summaries for posting on the Sarnia-Lambton website.
Economic Recovery in New Orleans

Under the auspices of the International Economic Development Council's Gulf Coast Economic Recovery Volunteer Program, Glenn Mair
of MMK Consulting spent a week in June 2007 working as a volunteer with the City of New Orleans Office of Recovery Management,
as the city continued its economic recovery efforts following Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Glenn's work in New Orleans assisted
in moving forward specific economic development trigger projects in targeted recovery areas.
Other Projects and Studies
Many studies completed by MMK Consulting represent confidential studies that have not been publicly released. Examples include:
- An organizational and business plan for a new business investment attraction agency.
- The initial design of the business incentives to be offered in a proposed new tax incentive zone.
- Assistance with the negotiation of incentives for an indsutrial facility expansion in Nova Scotia.
- A study of anticipated trade and investment impacts on Canada from strong economic growth of the Asia Pacific region.